Week 10, Term 1


  • Rippa Rugby!

Congragulations to both the Riverdale Rippa Rugby teams. Especially the Riverdale A Team who won 5 out of 5 games and gets to fly over to Auckland for free and they get to stay at a hotel overnight! Well done guys. Good luck!

  • Quiddage

Its nearly time for Quiddage so it would be a good idea to start working extra hard to get enough snidges to take part in Quiddage. (You need at least 1000 snidge.) Exciting!!!

  • Birthdays

Payton turned 10 on March the 30th.

Posted by Georgia


  1. happy birthday Payton

  2. happy brithday to you

  3. Wow LC10 you must be rich in snidges! Oh well we have the wonderful QUEEN OF QUIDDAGE .............

    TEE CEE!
