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Welcome to LC 10
Term 4 - Week 2 - Palmerston North's Cyclist of the Year!
Noah has taken out the Palmerston Norths Cyclist of the year!
His skills were put to the test during a competition held at Carncott school. Lets have a word from Noah to explain the competition and what really happened..............
Noah writing now......
Well we went to carncott and we did a thing with questions with a,b,c and d and then we went outside and did the practicel stuff, which is what i"m good at. it was mostly the same as what we did in class except a bit harder. There was a tennis ball thing that was swervy two balls 30cm apart and there was two really tight U turns.
see ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Term 4 - Week 1
Cycle Training
We have been lucky enough to have constable Sue and Constable Emily come in and teach us about cycle safety. We have been learning road rules and practicing on an obstacle course. Important things to remember are:
- Always look over your right shoulder for traffic
- Make sure your signals are clear and visible
- Practise your balance skills on your bike so you are ready for the road
Term 3, Week 7
Burger Fresh at Senior Market Day was a big sucsess and we made $940!!!
It was hard work but it was definitely worth it.
Up the top is a picture of LC10s Burger Fresh proccedure line.
The other Seinor Classes had their own buissness's as well and with all the money put together each class can get about 2 ipod touches.
(If you scroll down a bit you can see some adverts LC10 made for burger fresh.)
week 3, term 3
LC10 made snowmen and had snowball fights.
We all made poems about our snow experience. We dressed paper snowmen in fabrics and put them on the wall next to our snow poems.
LC10 is working on our Burger Fresh proccedure lines and have decided to have a combo meal and put a toy with it.
Here is the wining logo by lachlan.
Blog Updated by Georgia
Week 2, Term 3
This week lc10 have been using instruments to come up with a cool jingle so more people can hear about our burger fresh inquiry. Its in the hall and its like subway but burger fresh. You choose your own fillings to go in a bun and the whole class has there own job like a assembly line. People are going to pay us real money. We are going to use the money to buy cool things to stay in the senior team for us all to play with. They will be things like ipod touches and maybe an ipad. I cant wait!!!
We have also been designing logo designs for burger fresh. The best design gets 100 snidges to spend at Quiddage! There are some really good ones!
Rippa Rugby
Well done to the Riverdale Rippa Rugby Team for coming 4th out of the best 20 teams in New Zealand.Well done!
Learning Update
Mr Bron has added a new activity to SDL (self directed learning) The activity is an extra follow up task and each week Mr Bron gives us a new cool activity to complete. The tasks are things like make a poster about the book your reading group is reading or to make a booklet about your book. I will post some of our work next week. There are some cool completed tasks out there.
Written by Georgia Mabey
Week 1, Term 3
Hi, welcome back from your 2 week, term 2 holiday!
Here is a list of things people have been doing:
Eden went to Auckland in the holidays.
Kaitlyn's family sold their house and brought a new one.
Harley went to Hamilton and saw Transformers 3.
Georgia went to the snow.
For maths we are doing volume & capacity. We have been measuring with different size containers and measuring spoons.
This term we are focusing on our Reading rotations a lot more because for the last 2 terms we focused on maths heaps! Mr Bron says if we do something for a long time and lots of it, we will learn a lot better. Reading rotations are really cool now.
We now have Mackenzie joining in doing the blog as well as Georgia and Paige.
Written by Paige, Georgia and Mackenzie
Term 2, Week 11
Hi, the last couple weeks we have been busy doing/presenting our P.I"S.
Also right choice day is on friday we will be doing wacky costume day which will be judged. There will be a game show in the hall.
We have been doing statitics for the past 2 weeks learning about different graphs.
We are up dating our e-portfolios and our reports are getting given out on thursday.
Also Mr Bron found an awesome website called go animate. You should check it out during the holidays.
In the holidays zoe is going to Christchurch for the NZ champs for highland dancing. Good Luck to her!!!
Have a great School Holiday LC10!
Written by Paige Carnaby and Georgia Mabey
Also right choice day is on friday we will be doing wacky costume day which will be judged. There will be a game show in the hall.
We have been doing statitics for the past 2 weeks learning about different graphs.
We are up dating our e-portfolios and our reports are getting given out on thursday.
Also Mr Bron found an awesome website called go animate. You should check it out during the holidays.
In the holidays zoe is going to Christchurch for the NZ champs for highland dancing. Good Luck to her!!!
Have a great School Holiday LC10!
Written by Paige Carnaby and Georgia Mabey
Go Animate! To LC 10 by jbron.riverdaleschool
Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!
Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!
Week 8, Term 2
Hi lc10 has been busy for the last couple of weeks.
We have been getting ready for our assembly this thursday. Its going to be great. We have been making videos on movie maker for the assembly.
We hope you can come.
Also we won the gumboot from lc13 last friday. YAY!!
By Georgia and Paige
Week 5, Term 4
Week 4, Term 2
Hi. Jacob isnt doing the blog anymore so now it is Paige and I. (Georgia)
This week we have been doing oragami. We are making our own videos on how to give clear instructions building our own origami. We will post them on our blogs soon. On the left there is a picture of some of the classes origami when we started to practise.
Cross Country is coming up so the whole senior school have been doing laps around the feild every morning for training. Bring on cross country!
On Friday LC10 got into teams with a mix of girls and boys. Each team had turns at versing other teams at a game of netball. It was really fun.
This week we have been doing oragami. We are making our own videos on how to give clear instructions building our own origami. We will post them on our blogs soon. On the left there is a picture of some of the classes origami when we started to practise.
Cross Country is coming up so the whole senior school have been doing laps around the feild every morning for training. Bring on cross country!
On Friday LC10 got into teams with a mix of girls and boys. Each team had turns at versing other teams at a game of netball. It was really fun.
Stay tuned next week when we share our science investigations...
Written by Paige and Georgia. :)
Written by Paige and Georgia. :)
Game of the Week - Week 4
Highest money maker wins 100 Snidge. Competition ends Friday!!
Term 2 Week 2
Hello. I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend.
I was to busy on Friday to write the blog so im doing it today. (Monday)
This is whats been happeing:
I was to busy on Friday to write the blog so im doing it today. (Monday)
This is whats been happeing:
- Rainforest Picture for Science Expo
- From Monday to Friday we hae been working on our Rainforest picture for our Science Expo. We have covered the bottom of the paper with leaves and sticks and flax and we stuch them down with glue. This will be the forest floor. We have also got brocken of tree branches with leaves on the end and stuck them down to look like trees.
- Morning Runs
- Every morning the senior school has been doing laps around the feild in the mornings. We are doing this to train for Cross Country which is coming up soon.
- Quiddage
- On Friday LC10 had a mini quiddage wher only our class sold and bought things, not the whole senior school. There was a Fear Factor stall, drink stalls, a kebab stall, a stall with raffles, dart board comp and a lucky dip, a stall with a guessing game, a dance comp and a drawing comp. Mr Bron even had a raffle which was for 50 snidge and you could win 500 snidge if you won. ( Corban won that.)
Quiddage was awesome
P.S: I forgot to take some pictures of quiddage because I was to busy with my own stall. :0
Week 1 term two.
Welcome back from the holidays lc10
These are some things we got up to this week:
- Beep test
- On Thursday lc10 did the beep test. Noah got the highest level at level 12.1! Wow!!!
- Art with Mrs Walker
- On Wednesday lc10 did some cool art with Mrs Walker. We did a picture with trees and a road on it. We did it with water paint and fingerpainting for the leaves. We were working on tone. they turned out really good.
Week 10, Term 1
- Rippa Rugby!
Congragulations to both the Riverdale Rippa Rugby teams. Especially the Riverdale A Team who won 5 out of 5 games and gets to fly over to Auckland for free and they get to stay at a hotel overnight! Well done guys. Good luck!
- Quiddage
Its nearly time for Quiddage so it would be a good idea to start working extra hard to get enough snidges to take part in Quiddage. (You need at least 1000 snidge.) Exciting!!!
- Birthdays
Payton turned 10 on March the 30th.
Posted by Georgia
Week 8, Term 1
What has LC10 been doing this week?
Well, Mr Bron left on Thursday for his wedding so LC10 has a releaver teacher for the rest of the week and next week aswell. Her name is Ms Mayne and we are working on concrete poems and making masks out of papier mache. We have also been doing some tennis sessions.
Braiden and Jimmi both had their birthdays on the 23rd of March. Braiden turned ten and Jimi turned 9.
Other things
The weet bix tryathlon was on on the 23rd of March. The people from our class who did that were Payton, Noah and Georgia. Well done guys!
Congratulations Mr Bron on getting married!
Written by Georgia and Jacob.
Well, Mr Bron left on Thursday for his wedding so LC10 has a releaver teacher for the rest of the week and next week aswell. Her name is Ms Mayne and we are working on concrete poems and making masks out of papier mache. We have also been doing some tennis sessions.
Braiden and Jimmi both had their birthdays on the 23rd of March. Braiden turned ten and Jimi turned 9.
Other things
The weet bix tryathlon was on on the 23rd of March. The people from our class who did that were Payton, Noah and Georgia. Well done guys!
Congratulations Mr Bron on getting married!
Written by Georgia and Jacob.
Week 7 Term 1
Camp was awesome. We saw Seals, went to the lighthouse, climbed Castle Rock, found Sea creatures at Rocky Shore, the big dig and heaps, heaps more.

Yesterday (18th march 2011) Jordan had to leave to go back to her old school in Chistchurch. We gave her a card signed with all our names. It was cool how she got to go on camp with us though. We will miss her very much. Here is a photo of her:
Inter school Triathlon
Riverdale school did very well in the Inter school Triathlon at Freyeberg. Zoe came 10th in the year 5 girls and Noah came
1st in the year 5 boys.
Zoe's Birthday
Zoe is turning 9 on the 26 of March. She is going to have a sleepover with her friends.
Written by Georgia and Jacob (twice because we didnt save our first attempt :) )
Week 5 Term 1
Don't forget to bring in your homework books every Friday and put them in the box. You will be grotted snidges if they are not up to standard.
Camp Books
Posted By LC 10 Editors Jacob and Georgia
Don't forget to bring in your homework books every Friday and put them in the box. You will be grotted snidges if they are not up to standard.
Camp Books
We are working on our camp books and they are looking very good. Cant wait to go to camp!!
Special News
LC10 has been lucky enough to have a new person in our class called Jordan. Jordan moved in on Monday. She is only staying in Palmerston North until her school in Christchurch is ready for her to go back to because the reason she moved to Palmerston North is because of the Christchurch Earthquake. She will stay for camp which is great!
On Friday the 4th of march we had a red and black day to raise money for the people that were in the Christchurch Earthquake. Altogether the school raised $2,208 dollars. Wow!!!
Special News
LC10 has been lucky enough to have a new person in our class called Jordan. Jordan moved in on Monday. She is only staying in Palmerston North until her school in Christchurch is ready for her to go back to because the reason she moved to Palmerston North is because of the Christchurch Earthquake. She will stay for camp which is great!
On Friday the 4th of march we had a red and black day to raise money for the people that were in the Christchurch Earthquake. Altogether the school raised $2,208 dollars. Wow!!!
Week 4 Term 1 - Posted by our Blog Editors
There is swimming sports on Monday 28th February. Remember to bring your togs.
The Christchurch Earthquake
There was a massive earthquake in Christchurch Earthquake.
It was even bigger than the last Christchurch earthquake. It measured 6.3 on the Richter scale and so far 75 people have been killed. Our thoughts go out to them all. A donation box is at the school office for those wishing to help out.
Special News
Zoe's Grandma and Grandad, Corban's Aunty and Georgias Aunty all survived the terrible Earthquake.
Jakes best friend Joshua is staying at Jakes house for three nights. Jake is really excited and looking forward to it. Have fun!!
Last Sunday Tipene's Touch rugby team won the under 9s tournament. Well done Tipene!!
We have just completed our sheild art work and put them up on the wall.
We are working on our camp books and our learning rotations are better each week.
Kieran is having his 10th birthday party on Sunday. He will go to the pool and play games. Have fun Kieren.
Written by Georgia and Jacob
Blog Editors for LC 10
Class Blog Editors!
Hi my name Jacob.This year I'm going going to be the class blog updater. I'm happy that I got this job.I will be writing about the events and stuff that is coming up.Georgia and I will ask you guys about what is happening in your life and in the classroom.
From Mr Bron
Good luck to you both. I know you will be excellent communicators and talented writers. You will need to set up a box or website where your classmates can share their opinions, stories and experiences for you to write about.
Hint: Getting to know your class and who is in it is critical. Keep asking questions and find out what happens in your class mates lives in and out of the classroom. Watch out for my comments in red in the future for hints and tips on how to be a great editor! Good Luck and have fun!
Welcome to LC 10
Welcome to another exciting year at Riverdale School!
As a year 5 and 6 classroom I will endeavor to provide a classroom rich in various experiences and self directed learning. I like a classroom that is fun and exciting which is full of student voice and opinions. I expect that you will be a a responsible learner with a main goal of self directed learning and displaying a positive attitude towards your own progress.
Remember to ask questions if unsure and impress me by pushing yourself to go beyond what is expected.
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